Thursday, July 23, 2009

Information about the group

What we do
The group offers a safe and stimulating environment for children to develop in and the chance for them to explore a variety of activities which encourage them to play together. They learn songs, how to share toys and how to socialise with others. For adults it is a chance to talk with others, over a cup of coffee and biscuits, about the joys and anxieties of bringing up children and the opportunity to meet people and make friends. Juice and biscuits are provided for the children as well as a well earned coffee or tea for the mums/dads/carers. There is always a craft activity offered which can be anything from sticking to painting to play doh etc.
The Cost
EUR 3.50 for one child and 0.50 for each additional child. Once depositing your money please sign the attendance sheet. Please fill in a New Member Form at your first group meeting.
Group Rota
As the club is run by a committee of volunteers, to be fair to all the attendees, a rota is operated for key responsibilities, ie locking and unlocking, coffee making, arranging a craft and tidying up etc. The rota will be circulated at group meetings as and when volunteers are needed. If you know in advance that you are unable to fulfill your duty, it is your responsibility to find somebody to take your place.
Members Directory
The Group keeps a list of all members’ names, addresses and telephone numbers, along with the child(ren)s name(s) and date(s) of birth. If we have names and dates of birth we can then celebrate with singing and a gift at the relevant session. Please also let us know when if you are leaving the area in order for your name to be deleted from the directory, once again forms are on the notice board at a group session.
List of Committee
Amy Wright- Secretary, ChairpersonApril Marvin– Treasurer, Sales, Book and Magazine Swap, LibraryMavi Tzaig - Craft & Activities Sinead Hewson - Social Laura Berzins & Fiona Green-Supplies
We have a large selection of childrens books which can be borrowed. Just sign it out using the library folder and return good time and condition. And if you have any magazines cluttering up the coffee table, feel free to bring them in for others to read.
We occasionally arrange social functions in the evenings and weekends, ie a meal at a local restaurant so watch the notice board at the group for any forthcoming events. We also organize day trips with children and picnics in the summer (weather permitting in Holland!!) We sometimes have representatives from Usborne or Rainbow Books, Phoenix Cards, jewellery Tupperware, etc visiting the club and also arrange Bring and Buy Sales.
Holiday Time
The group still runs during non-term time. Older children are welcome, but please make sure that they have their own form of entertainment. The younger children do not take kindly to a 7 year old using their trikes!.
Children are discouraged from entering the 'kitchen' area and if there are any spills on the floor anywhere, anyone who spots them should clean them up. There is a first aid kit available but fortunately it hasn't had an outing this year!
Please take them with you. Don't leave them in the church bins!
As the Group have no outside financial support and relies on attendees paying their subs to cover refreshments and the hire of the hall, we always appreciate the donation of any toys, obviously in good clean working order.

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